Monday, March 16, 2020

Room 16 Message

Dear Families of Room 16,

First off a message to the wonderful Grade 4 and 5 students.  YOU are Amazing!  Our school, like all schools are shut down to limit the number of people in one space.  This was instructed to all of us for our safety.  We don’t have any official word as to when schools will be re-opened.  All of us, regardless of our age have the responsibility to wash our hands often, keep our bodies clean, stay positive, be active, have fun, and understand that it is our job to be ready to continue to learn!  The future is not written, but our perspective on it will have a HUGE impact on how it goes for us.  When in doubt, think of playing Zap, Secret Agent, Camouflage, reading a chapter from our class novel, or watching me eat Oreos while playing with my Batman toys.  There is a message below for your parents.  The classroom has been cleaned very well, and it’s important that no one goes in.  Your shoes and personal items are outside the classroom.  None of us know what the coming weeks will look like, but we will keep you posted as we learn what our next steps are.  You can always email me as usual at  I’ll check it often. 

If there is any other information provided by the CBE, we will release this to you in a timely manner.   

All the best in the coming days and weeks, and please continue to follow the directives from Alberta Health Services in order for everyone to stay safe. 

Mr. Barker

Here is a message that all Marlborough School families are receiving tonight:

We have developed a system to pick up belongings for your child.  We are adhering to guidelines in terms of gatherings within the space, and limiting the amount of people in the building at one time.

We know that your child probably wants to come to school so they can see their friends and teachers, and say goodbye. This unfortunately isn’t the time do so.  At this time we are following the Alberta Health Services guidelines of social distancing. Please send one family member to pick up the desired items and bring a bag to carry these items.  Also, please bring any library books you have at home.  We need to remain at a distance (no hugs or high fives), enter and leave quickly, while still remembering that #MarlboroughIsAmazing.   

We are grouping families by last name (surname).  To pick up your child’s items please note the date and time below.  We are asking that you enter and leave the building from the main door. We will also ask that you look over the lost and found located by the Learning Commons, before exiting out of your child’s door.

If you have traveled recently, or are feeling any symptoms that have been outlined (fever, cough, running nose, headache, muscle ache or any symptoms of the common cold) You must make arrangements for someone else to pick your child’s belongings.

Please check the CBE website for updates:
Please check your child’s classroom blog for updates:

Your Pick Up Personal Items (shoes, headphones, couple other small things) Time:

Tuesday March 17
Wednesday March 18
Thursday March 19
9:00 – 10:00am
Last name beginning with A (36)
Last name beginning with D (11), G (10), P(3), Q(2)
Last name beginning with S (21) T(13)
10:30 – 11:30am
Last name beginning with B (16), F(3), I(2), J (4)
Last name beginning with H (21), O (5)
Last name beginning with R (12), W(10), Y (7)
12:00 – 1:00am
Last name beginning with C (18), E (7), Z (2)
Last name beginning with M (24), K (9
Last name beginning with L(10), N(9), V (3)

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


We looked at the books Quest, Journey and Return by Aaron Becker. We also looked at the book Chalk by Bill Thompson. There are no words in these books.! We wrote our own captions, thought bubbles and dialogue.

We're excited for you to come to parent-teacher conferences next week to see what we have created.