Monday, September 30, 2019

Field Trip Note

Hello Parents and Guardians of Room 16 and 18,

Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions we made a decision this morning to cancel the field trip today. We were however, able to reschedule the field trip and it will now take place next week, Thursday, October 10th. 

This is a fun lunch day so if you are ordering your child pizza, it will be kept at school and distributed at the end of the day before they go home, so please ensure they have a snack and lunch for the day.

The students will all still need to be dressed for the weather in warm layers and with appropriate footwear. They must bring water as the water at Ralph Klein Park is not drinkable.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Mrs. Gartner and Mr. Barker


Even though our field trip didn't work out for today, we made the best of the snow by going snowshoeing!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Terry Fox Run

Our Terry Fox School Run is just around the corner! We are honoured that our school will be joining the efforts of over 3 million students across Canada in carrying on Terry’s legacy by raising funds for cancer research. Support our school’s efforts by donating today at:

Our Run will be on Friday, Septemebr 27th at 9:15am in our school field. 

Image result for terry fox

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dare To Care

Today we had a very special Assembly and Break Out sessions about being more kind to one another.  As well, the difference between bullying and conflict.  We also learned strategies on how to handle some of these undesirable situations.  

Thank you to Mrs. Ballem for organizing this!

Friday, September 6, 2019


*more pictures coming!!

We have begun our Chemistry Unit in Science!  We worked in groups of 4-5 to test three different solids and three different liquids were soluble in water. 

Ask me what the following terms mean:  solute, solvent, dissolve, solution, soluble