Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Regions Project

The Great fours are studying the Alberta regions and the Grade five are studying the Canadian regions. Some of us are creating a field trip to our region. Others are creating a poster on one aspect of our region. Some of us are even creating brochures to convince us to visit our region.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sound Kreations

 We have an artist in residence for the next two weeks. Ask us about some of the moves we’ve learned.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Marlborough School Parent Council will be conducting a Kernels fundraiser from
November 15th-November 29th. We expect to hand the orders out on December 9th. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to reduce the cost of school hoodies/t-shirts that will be available for purchase by all families at a later date. Snack size bags of popcorn are $2 each. The top selling classroom will win a pizza party!!!

Please help your child with our campaign.  Please sell to friends, family, neighbors, and people at work.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Regions of Alberta and Canada

We have just begun our region of Alberta and Canada study. Here we were reading for understanding and taking notes on different areas. Some of these included landforms, climate, bodies of water, and vegetation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ralph Klein Field Trip

Our field trip to Ralph Klein Park was amazing! The weather was cold but sunny. Ask us about all of the wildlife we saw! Invertebrates are cool :-)

Monday, September 30, 2019

Field Trip Note

Hello Parents and Guardians of Room 16 and 18,

Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions we made a decision this morning to cancel the field trip today. We were however, able to reschedule the field trip and it will now take place next week, Thursday, October 10th. 

This is a fun lunch day so if you are ordering your child pizza, it will be kept at school and distributed at the end of the day before they go home, so please ensure they have a snack and lunch for the day.

The students will all still need to be dressed for the weather in warm layers and with appropriate footwear. They must bring water as the water at Ralph Klein Park is not drinkable.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Mrs. Gartner and Mr. Barker


Even though our field trip didn't work out for today, we made the best of the snow by going snowshoeing!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Terry Fox Run

Our Terry Fox School Run is just around the corner! We are honoured that our school will be joining the efforts of over 3 million students across Canada in carrying on Terry’s legacy by raising funds for cancer research. Support our school’s efforts by donating today at:http://www.terryfox.ca/Marlborough

Our Run will be on Friday, Septemebr 27th at 9:15am in our school field. 

Image result for terry fox

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dare To Care

Today we had a very special Assembly and Break Out sessions about being more kind to one another.  As well, the difference between bullying and conflict.  We also learned strategies on how to handle some of these undesirable situations.  

Thank you to Mrs. Ballem for organizing this!

Friday, September 6, 2019


*more pictures coming!!

We have begun our Chemistry Unit in Science!  We worked in groups of 4-5 to test three different solids and three different liquids were soluble in water. 

Ask me what the following terms mean:  solute, solvent, dissolve, solution, soluble

Friday, August 30, 2019


 In social studies the grade fives are creating their own map where they include a compass rose, symbols, a key and mapping questions. The grade fours are working on learning these concepts through a mapping booklet. Ask me a cool way to remember north east south and west!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

2019 - 2020!!

 Welcome to a new school year! We are excited for everything to come! Please check back here weekly for more updates on everything we are doing in grade 4/5.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Say More Often

 We watched the one and only “Kid President” and a video on things we should say more often. These can be as simple as “you can do it,” “you’ve got this,” or “here’s a high-five for being awesome!” We then wrote our own paragraphs on things we should say more often. You can’t tell but our paragraphs are actually popping out of our artwork!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

First Nations

 In social studies we have begun our First Nations unit. We have build our own teepees covered in symbolism that represent our various communities. You may not understand what is on the teepee just by looking at it, you would have to hear our “oral tradition” and the stories behind each symbol.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Paper Bag Project

In Language Arts we did a novel study where we all read a novel. This was called a Paper Bag Project. On each side of the bag we have different aspects about our story and its characters . Inside we put objects that represent one character from the book.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

PE - Lacrosse

 In PE we have classroom lacrosse. Next Friday is the grade 5 versus teachers game!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Grade 5 Reminder

Grade 5's please remember to be all packed and ready to go for our trip on April 30th!  You do not bring any MONEY or TECHNOLOGY (phones, tablets, etc.)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Building Circuits

We have been learning about, building and drawing circuits.  The parts we have been working with are insulated wires, batteries, switches and bulbs.  Next?  The difference between parallel and series!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


 For Art today we he created shooting shapes! We then used paint to colour complementary colour patterns. We also changed the shades of the colours by adding white paint.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Read To Self

 We enjoy reading all different types of texts. We enjoy fiction, which includes fantasy and adventure. We also enjoy nonfiction where we learn about real things all around the world. Everybody has something they can enjoy reading! 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Static Electricity

 It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a balloon? Static electricity is a cool thing. When we create heat the electrons jump off of our hair or sweater or the carpet onto the balloon causing it to stick. Science!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


 We have just started our double electricity units in science. To begin this unit we have researched using books and online sources! We are excited about all of the different parts we will learn in the next couple months.

Thursday, February 28, 2019


For PE we have Drumfit in.  Wow, what a work out!

Conferences Coming Up!!

Parent Conferences are coming up!!

When: March 21 in the evening        
            March 22 in the morning

How To Register:  Please use the following link to create an account https://sis.cbe.ab.ca/public/home.html

Note from the office:  "To help all parents/guardians have access to an account we are offering drop in sessions on Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am as well as Wednesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 14 from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm. You must have a PowerSchool account to be able to book these conferences.  Teachers are excited to share your child's progress and look forward to meeting with you face to face.  If you have any trouble at all, please come to a drop-in session or call the office and we would be happy to help you."
School's phone number - 403.777.8190

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


In Social Studies, we have been learning about the various Immigration groups that have moved to Canada.  Instead of a test or an essay, we created game shows to display our learning.  Here are some of them!

Monday, February 11, 2019

More Scientists In School

Moving air is weaker than standing air.  When the hair dryer was on, the standing air on the sides of the ping pong balls pushed them together.

We made clouds from extreme air pressure and a little bit of rubbing alcohol.  When we quickly released the air pressure and shook the bottle, the cloud was created!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Scientists In School

In our in school field trip we learned about lots of different things.  We learned about Weather in many hands on ways.  Here is our experiment about Air Pressure.  Ask your child to explain how it worked!